Watery Eyes – Is it From Allergies, Dry Eyes or an Infection?

Do you have watery eyes? It’s often hard to determine the cause – watery eyes (too many tears) can be due to many conditions. Today we’ll focus on three common causes: allergy, dry eye and infection.

Is it from Allergies?

Spring allergy season is here, and as a result many people will suffer discomfort from hay fever (also known as allergic rhinitis). If you experience watery eyes along with symptoms such as sneezing, itchy nose/eyes, or runny, stuffy nose, then your watery eyes are likely due to hay fever or some type of allergic reaction. Common outdoor allergens are tree, grass and weed pollens. Common indoor allergens are dust mites, molds and pet dander.

Can a Dry Eye Cause Tearing?

They may seem unrelated, but dry eye syndrome can cause watery eyes. When eyes are chronically dry, the lacrimal glands overcompensate and produce more tears than the eyes’ drainage system can handle. If you experience watery eyes along with blurred vision and burning/itchy eyes, then your watery eyes may be due to dry eye syndrome. Common causes of dry eye include aging, medication, eyelid gland disease, skin disease around the eyelids, hormone replacement therapy, infrequent blinking and dry environments.

Watch for Signs of Infection with Tearing

An eye infection can produce excess tears. This is the body’s way of keeping eyes clean and lubricated. Conjunctivitis (infection of the membrane) and blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) can cause watery eyes. If you experience symptoms such as redness, eye pain, discharge, gritty feeling, crusts forming at night or burning along with watery eyes, then your watery eyes may be due to infection.

If you have persistent watery eyes, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Niki so she can speak to you about your symptoms, examine your eyes to determine the cause and then provide treatment so you can get relief!



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